Back in July 2011 I noticed a problem with the Jetpack plugin and page navigation. In short, with the Jetpack plugin activated page navigation worked only if I was logged-in as admin. When logged-out page urls were being incorrectly re-written and causing 404 Not Found errors.
Now, some 9 months after having first raised the issue over at the forums member Josh Eaton seems to have found a possible cause.
To have blog posts displayed on the front page, the theme I use requires that A static page is selected in Reading Settings:
The theme’s wp-content/themes/infocus-v16-prod/index.php file then chooses the appropriate template based on these settings:
<?php get_header(); require(WEBTREATS_INCLUDES . "/var.php"); $show_on_front = get_option('show_on_front'); $page_on_front = get_option('page_on_front'); if( ($show_on_front == 'page') && ($page_on_front == $blog_page) ) { require(WEBTREATS_INCLUDES . "/template-blog.php"); }else{ require(WEBTREATS_INCLUDES . "/featured-" .$homepage_slider. ".php"); get_footer(); } ?>
The original inFocus v1.60 wp-content/themes/infocus-v16-prod/index.php file
Using this configuration I was experiencing issues with page navigation. Josh’s suggestion was to have Your latest posts selected in Reading Settings:
For my theme I also needed to change wp-content/themes/infocus-v16-prod/index.php so that /wp-content/themes/infocus-v16-prod/lib/includes/template-blog.php was still being used despite A static page no longer being selected in Reading Settings.
Commenting-out the option for use of the other template has no adverse affect on my site as the site’s configuration renders this alternative redundant.
<?php get_header(); require(WEBTREATS_INCLUDES . "/var.php"); $show_on_front = get_option('show_on_front'); $page_on_front = get_option('page_on_front'); if( ($show_on_front == 'page') && ($page_on_front == $blog_page) ) { require(WEBTREATS_INCLUDES . "/template-blog.php"); }else{ // require(WEBTREATS_INCLUDES . "/featured-" .$homepage_slider. ".php"); require(WEBTREATS_INCLUDES . "/template-blog.php"); get_footer(); } ?>
The amended inFocus v1.60 wp-content/themes/infocus-v16-prod/index.php file
While this fix may not get to the root of the issue and admittedly it feels more like a hack than a solution, it certainly allows the Jetpack plugin to play nice with page navigation on this site.
WordPress 3.x Page Navigation Error with inFocus Theme: Revisited may also be of interest as it documents a possibly related issue.